Over the last five years, AFCPE® has focused on ensuring a stable foundation for the organization, making strategic investments, and expanding partnerships to help our organization flourish and grow. We are at a point where our finances are stable, we have a healthy reserve fund, and our certification programs are growing.... Read More >

Jill Anne Spence

The mission of The Standard is to provide information which is timely, thought provoking and assists the financial counselor to enhance job performance. The newsletter is also a forum for informing members of AFCPE® activities and events. AFCPE’s newsletter, The Standard, is published four times a year. It is distributed to... Read More >

Robert A. Robertson

The Federal Reserve Board’s latest report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households shows a significant number of Americans are still not on track for a financially sound retirement. Even among those who have some savings, the Fed found that many commonly lack financial knowledge and are uncomfortable making investment decisions.... Read More >

Barbara O’Neill

Two very important domains of people’s lives are their health and personal finances. Fifteen years ago, in 2004, Rutgers Cooperative Extension created the Small Steps to Health and Wealth™ (SSHW) program to encourage New Jersey residents to make positive behavior changes to simultaneously improve both aspects of their lives. Since... Read More >

Kelly Jabbusch

Dean Graziosi is a real estate investor who has promoted his success habits through his coaching and training services, motivational events, and public interviews. While this book is not a step-by-step instruction to attain millionaire status, as the title may imply, it does equip readers with tools and techniques that... Read More >

Toija Riggins

One Hundred Years of Cooperative Extension The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 created the Cooperative Extension Service as a partnership between U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the land-grant university (LGU) system, and local governments. USDA supports both the universities and local offices of the Cooperative Extension System to bring science directly to... Read More >

Kate S. Mielitz

For those who know me, it will come as no surprise that I found numerous reasons to #Raise(MY)AFCPEVoice at this year’s Symposium…and after as well. What I hope catches people by pleasant surprise is how this year’s Symposium helped me identify how I want to use my voice going forward.... Read More >

Kyle Grevengoed

The AFCPE® Government Relations Task Force seeks to be a resource for today’s policymakers and legislators, where they can hear the thoughts of the everyday Americans in one, strong, knowledgeable and non-partisan voice. This year at the AFCPE Annual Research and Training Symposium, we held a breakout session to discuss the... Read More >

Leslie Green-Pimentel

I am excited and humbled at the opportunity to serve as president of AFCPE® for 2019. I’d like to express my thanks to our past president, Jerry Buchko, for his time, dedication, and thoughtful service to AFCPE. I’d also like to say welcome to our new board members! Starlett Henderson (Practitioner)... Read More >

Rebecca Wiggins

Happy New Year from the AFCPE Staff Team!  Each New Year provides a tremendous opportunity to reflect and recharge for the fulfilling work that lays ahead. The 2018 AFCPE Annual Research and Training Symposium was the perfect culmination to a fantastic year. This year’s theme focused on engaging an inclusive... Read More >